public projects
Free open-source projects.
Windows Applications
- VC8145 Control - a software for the VC8145 digital multimeter (log and graph)
- TCPproxy - a proxy for any TCP connections which saves
and shows all catched information, special processing for HTTP protocol and XML data in it.
C# for .Net
- akStopWatch - a simplest stop-watch
- multiple counters controlled by single key press. C# for .Net
UNIX Utils
- rebootd - waits on specified UDP port for special
string and reboots the computer
- fsbackup - backup script
- mac_settime - run ntpd as non-root
- geom_nbsd - recognize NetBSD, OpenBSD and DragonFlyBSD disk partitions
under FreeBSD
- bsdtar patches
Web Server Projects
- ResizeApplet - resize images on client side before
sending them to server
- backpath - a Java library to implement "back"
button on web pages without JavaScript
- StrutsX - extention of the Jakarta Struts
framework to simplify some things
- ZPath - a Java library to easy create XML
in program using XPath-like syntax
Some useful patches for foreign projects.
Mozilla Extensions
- SelSearch
- select a search engine to query from the context menu,
add the search menu for text boxes
- Pixeled
- magnify pages without antialiasing
- LatRus
- convert latin characters to russian ones on-the-fly
(Firefox & Thunderbird)
- MoveToFolder
- move selected messages to configured folder
Some of projects are not listed here. Nevertheless they belong to the collection and following conditions
apply to them. See Subversion
repository for complete list.
Public domain - you are allowed to use them in any way.
I.e. you may use, modify, distribute etc them without any restrictions, as whole or part,
with or without credit to me.
The projects are available as source code via Subversion repository or for
on-line view.
Subversion URL is
Some of projects have binary distributions.
The programs are provided AS IS without any warranty. I do not promise anything about them.
But nevertheless if you found a bug or require some feature - please submit it to
If you have some questions or problems with the projects -
ask me per email.
Once again - no warranty.